Ampact Blog
Survivor Finds New Ways to Support Others Through Housing Advocacy
“Helping someone in need is my passion; that’s the heart of it,” says Priscilla, a domestic abuse survivor and Housing Resource Navigator. She's about to start her third year with Heading Home Corps and is excited to support others through her advocacy.
Director’s Perspective: Claudia Diggs on Partnering with Heading Home Corps
Community Junction is a community organization based in Hennepin County, Minnesota focused on the intersections of housing, health, and well-being. To further their work assisting people with housing stability, this fall they will become the newest organization to partner with Heading Home Corps! Read Director Claudia Digg’s perspective on their work.
Helping More Minnesotans Find a Safe Place to Call Home
As a Housing Stability Fellow in the summer of 2023, Scarlett gave back to her community by helping others utilize vital housing services.
Housing Navigator makes an impact in Greater Minnesota
A Place for You is the only homeless shelter for individual men and women in the 150-mile stretch between the Twin Cities and Duluth. This year, they are thankful to have a member of Heading Home Corps on their team for the first time.
Celebrating Everyday Wins While Working for Housing Stability
Heading Home Corps gave Susie the chance to try out a new career path.
With Heading Home Corps, this retiree helps keep students housed & in school
Renea knows Minneapolis’ social services inside and out. No matter what the students she serves are facing, she can figure out how to get them resources they need, connecting them to short-term housing, food pantries, and emergency funds.