Partner With Us

Our evidence-based programs are nationally recognized and fueled by research from the National Science & Service Collaborative. We deliver the people power to provide individualized support in your community and a system that is focused on outcomes. When we team up together, our communities win!

Select a program to begin the site application process.

To learn more about becoming a partner, please choose the Guide to Partnering for the program you're considering. You can also take the program overview informational course for your intended program or take the Ampact AmeriCorps course for a general overview of our organization.

Whether you're a new or returning partner, these resources are packed with information to help you plan and support a successful program year. Dive in, explore, and if you have any questions, email

If you are ready to apply, click the button for your desired program(s).

We are currently accepting applications from schools with K-3 readers in California, Georgia, Idaho, Minnesota, Mississippi, and Wisconsin.

Guide to Partnering
Reading Corps Overview for Partners

We are currently accepting applications from schools with K-8 students in California, Georgia, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, and Wisconsin.

Guide to Partnering
Math Corps Overview for Partners

We are currently accepting applications from sites with Pre-K learners (ages 3-5) in California, Florida, Minnesota, and New York.

Guide to Partnering
Early Learning Corps Overview for Partners

Climate Impact Corps partner logo.

We are currently accepting applications from sites that have a mission to preserve and protect the environment in Minnesota.

Guide to Partnering
Climate Impact Corps Overview for Partners

Heading Home Corps partner logo.

We are currently accepting applications from sites that serve people experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity in Minnesota.

Guide to Partnering
Heading Home Corps Overview for Partners

We are currently accepting applications from sites that address critical public health needs in Minnesota.

Guide to Partnering
Public Health Corps Overview for Partners

Recovery Corps partner logo.

We are currently accepting applications from sites that serve recovery communities in Illinois, Minnesota, and Virginia.

Guide to Partnering
Recovery Corps Overview for Partners