Be a force for nature by serving with Climate Impact Corps! Since the program’s launch in 2020, our members have been supporting climate-related projects to help advance goals outlined in the Minnesota Climate Action Framework or tribal government climate action plans.
Climate Impact Corps
Climate Impact Project Coordinators are placed at nonprofits, higher education institutions, or public agencies that have a mission to preserve and protect our environment. Members take on projects that contribute to their service site’s goals, focusing on community engagement, data collection, project coordination, volunteer mobilization, or workforce development.
Throughout the year, Climate Impact Project Coordinators will:
Commit to their own growth through training and professional development
Facilitate outreach and education by sharing their experience
Support projects such as:
Planting and inventorying trees
Designing and managing nursery gravel beds
Conducting virtual and on-site solar opportunity assessments
Analyzing climate resilience efforts
Organizing sustainability projects
Have questions? Email us at join@ampact.us.
2023-24 Impact
Following the Minnesota Climate Action Framework, Project Coordinators focus on expanding tree canopy, lowering household energy burdens, and building climate-resilient communities.
Trees managed
Home energy audits completed
Volunteers mobilized
Listed below are our site partnerships by city for 2024-25.
Douglas County Parks
City of Austin Parks, Rec & Forestry/Hormel Nature Center
City of Bemidji
Conservation Minnesota - Bemidji
MN Valley Chapter of Izaak Walton League
City of Bloomington
MN Valley Chapter of the Izaak Walton League's Green Crew Program
U of M Extension Central RSDP
Saint John’s University
U of M Extension Northwest RSDP
City of Crystal
MAHUBE-OTWA Community Action Partnership, Inc
Conservation Minnesota - Duluth
Institute on the Environment at the U of M - Duluth
U of M Extension Northeast RSDP
City of Eagan
City of Eagle Lake
City of Eden Prairie
City of Edina
City of Ely
River Bend Nature Center
Land Access Alliance
City of Fridley
City of Hackensack
Ney Nature Center
City of Lake Crystal
City of Lakeville
City of Le Sueur
Project Food Forest
Dodge County Environmental Services
City of Maplewood
Ramsey County Parks and Rec - Soil and Water Conservation Division
United Community Action Partnership - Marshall
City of Minneapolis Health - Sustainability, Health Homes & Environment
Great Plains Institute
Great Plains Institute - Renewable Energy
Hennepin County Climate
Northeastern Minnesotans for Wilderness
Project Sweetie Pie
Sustainable Resources Center
Vibrant and Safe Downtown
City of Minnetonka
City of Minnetrista
City of Moorhead Public Works
Conservation Minnesota - Moorhead
Washington Conservation District
Conservation Minnesota - Rochester
Rochester Parks and Recreation
U of M Extension Southeast RSDP
University of Minnesota - Rochester
City of Roseville
Conservation Minnesota - Saint Cloud
College of Saint Benedict
City of St. Louis Park
Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington County
Creative Enterprise Zone
Friends of the Mississippi River
Frogtown Green
Greater East Side/District 23 Community Council
Hamline Midway Coalition
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources - Forestry
Mississippi Park Connection
MN Valley Chapter of the Izaak Walton League
St. Anthony Park Community Council
State of Minnesota: Department of Commerce
Tree Trust
Urban Roots MN
Wakan Tipi Awanyankapi
City of Saint Peter
Southwest Regional Development Commission
City of South St. Paul
Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District
Superior Hiking Trail Association
Wabasha Soil and Water Conservation District
City of West Saint Paul
U of M Extension Southwest RSDP
City of Winona
Conservation Minnesota - Winona
Riverway Learning Community District #4064
Member Benefits
While making a difference, members receive a paycheck every two weeks, federal student loan forbearance and interest repayment, money for tuition, and more!
This is an AmeriCorps service member position. Members will serve one term of service in full-time or part-time capacity (40 or 25 hours per week).
Stipend Every Two Weeks
Full-time members (40 hrs/week) are paid a stipend of $1,100 every two weeks during their term of service.
Part-time members (25 hrs/weeks) are paid a stipend of $650 every two weeks during their term of service.
This stipend is taxed as income, and members complete a W-4.
Money for College and Trade School
The Segal AmeriCorps Education Award is offered to members who complete a term of service and can be used to pay for a range of educational expenses, like repaying qualified student loans or future tuition payments. You can earn up to two full Education Awards (a total of about $15,000) with multiple service terms.
Members receive their education award after successfully completing their service term. The award has a seven-year expiration period and is considered taxable income in the year that it is used.
Members who are 55 or older at the start of their service have an additional option. They may choose to transfer the education award to their child, stepchild, grandchild, step-grandchild or foster child. The recipient of a transferred award has 10 years to use it, beginning on the date the member earned the award.
Federal Student Loan Forbearance
If a member is making payments to a federally-backed education loan, payments can be put into forbearance during their service. Upon successful completion of the program, the accrued interest will be paid by the National Service Trust. Learn more about loan forbearance under the FAQs on the AmeriCorps website.
Health Insurance
Members are eligible to enroll in health insurance, with 100% of the premium paid. The plan is managed through Cigna and includes medical coverage for individual members. It does not cover dependents.
For greatest savings under this plan, members are encouraged to use in-network healthcare providers. Search the Cigna website (using the plan option “Open Access Plus, OA Plus, Choice Fund OA Plus”) to find providers in the network.
Child Care Assistance
Members may qualify to receive child-care assistance through a program administered by GAP Solutions, Inc. In order to be eligible for the assistance program, members must meet income requirements. To learn more about how to apply, please see our guide. You can also visit the GAP AmeriCorps website for additional details, frequently asked questions and the rules and regulations of the program.
Climate Impact Corps Stories
Partner with Us.
Our evidence-based programs are nationally recognized and fueled by research from the National Science & Service Collaborative. We deliver the people power to provide individualized support in your community and a system that is focused on outcomes. When we team up together, our communities win!
Thank you to our Climate Impact Corps Program Partners
Forestry initiatives within Climate Impact Corps are funded in part by the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund as recommended by the Legislative-Citizen Commission on Minnesota Resources (LCCMR).

Ready to take positive action?
Serve as an AmeriCorps member.